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Crave the Qrunch

We're veterans from all walks of the food business who joined together to do something that sounds simpler than it actually is: make something healthy that tastes good.

That bold idea was behind the start of our new company, Peace Lovin' Foods, Inc. and it's what motivates us now.

Frankly, we think we've nailed it. Our far-roaming chef has created a quinoa-based vegetarian burger from organic ingredients that we've dubbed "Qrunch Burger."  It's receiving rave reviews and quick acceptance from a number of Front Range retailers.

And that's just the beginning. In time, we'll be adding more quinoa-based items that are healthy and better still, delicious.

We invite you to taste a Qrunch Burger and decide for yourself if it's the best vegetarian burger you've ever had.  Even our carnivorous friends like it.  We are confident there is not another one like it on the market. Healthy, Crunchy, and Delicious all wrapped up in one beautiful minimalistic package.